






PT.1, JIGGATRY 23:19

‘Shit don't change until you get up and wash yo' ass, nigga.’

Black civilizations throughout the course of human history have always been considered 'advanced' amongst their peers. Be it erecting the first-ever dynasties in Egypt or living in unison, peace, and tranquility in islands, Black people as a collective race have proven time and time again that they're built different. After centuries of methodical research in the field of Anthrophiloastroniggology, Niggologists later inferred that Black people were blessed by the heavens with a latent, divine power stored in the pigment of their dark skin—their melanin. With this supreme genetic, intellectual, and spiritual power unique to their very kind, Black people quickly became prime sources of envy and contempt for a particular race of people whom fear what they can’t control, what they can’t comprehend, what they can’t take advantage of, and what they can’t dominate: “The White Man,” in all his bitter infamy.

By thwarting the nature of Blacks' superior DNA, and taking advantage of their intrinsically peaceful nature, The White Man implemented a pseudo-justice system to oppress and distract Blacks' from their own excellence, which has been disguised as their true enemy, when the waters are far deeper than societal persecution. However, after years of study, research, and progression in the arts of Black Evolutionary Biology, a party of innovative negro minds banded together to conceptualize a way to unleash the “Real DNA” of Black People worldwide, after eons of genetic development, hidden behind the artificial restraints repressing Black People’s ultimate potential. They formulated a hypothesis, based on years of breakthroughs, that is now hallmarked as the “Negro Solstice”. This hypothesis hereby states:

After the first Negro Solstice and the birth of the Ultimate Negro, Marvin S.T. Darwin, the Black Business Conglomerate, a facility previously founded by Marvin Darwin promoting black prosperity, garnered worldwide recognition and has expanded its reign exponentially. There lies over ten divisions of Negro Forces fighting against The White Man and for the revival of the Negro Empire that once was. The Mercenary Affairs department is one of which with the highest acclaim among the other divisions, yet with so many new niggas being recruited, who knows how powerful the BBC can get. Much to The White Man's dismay.



‘Where there's fire, there's bound to be smoke.’

The Power System/Solstice-Triggers of this verse will try and stay as true as possible to the original lore of Negro Solstice, however, for the sake of muse versatility and flexibility, I broadened the criterion for other characters to acquire a Solstice-Trigger. But before we get into that, I'll have to explain exactly how they work.

If the name isn't self-evident enough, Solstice-Triggers are the transcendental abilities Black People garner on the 21st. Once a nigga triggers it once, it can be unleashed to their heart's content. However, under specific time constraints. Preferably, 21 minutes. These Solstice-Triggers can range from practical superpowers, like flight, super-speed, telekinesis; biological mutations; energy manipulation; and pretty much everything impossible for human beings. But, a character can only have one specific ability unique to them.

Get creative, bum-ass nigga.

Although the power garnered is supernatural, the strength and unleashing of a character's Solstice-Trigger is dependent solely on their passion for their race's prosperity. For instance, Malcolm-X would go KRAZY with his Tier-0 Solstice-Trigger, whereas Uncle Ruckus would be mountain level—this is just an example. Don't be out here making Malcolm-X accounts boxing Gojo for the intergalactic piss-stones or some shit.

Now, this is where I throw a curveball at you niggas. May the negro prophet have mercy on my soul.

Other races, besides blacks, CAN acquire a Solstice-Trigger. Based on the melanin in their skin, hence unleashing their Real DNA, a character can discover a latent ability within them when the REVOLUTION THRESHOLD is broken. To put it simply, the revolution threshold is one's breaking point under oppressive forces.

Those without melanin—yes, the mayo monkeys and their proxies—have REVERSE-TRIGGERS. Synthesized renditions of Solstice-Triggers acquired from the DNA of Black People, which can be implemented into weapons, potions, etc. Their power won't be equal to that of a pure-bred Solstice Trigger, but it's what y'all got.

If there are any more questions regarding the power system please direct them to @SOLSTICETRIGGER.

I. Thee who's sunkissed by the heavenly father shall not succumb to the caucasian-temptation.

II. Creation of factions independent of the Black Business Conglomerate and co. are not only allowed but encouraged.

III. All muses, no matter the theme, style, or niche, are welcomed into Solstice Verse.

More will be added later (I'm lying my ass off).